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Today, Virunga National Park marks International Women’s Day by supporting the displaced women of the Kanyaruchinya camp near Goma.
The management and staff members of Virunga National Park jointly contributed financially towards food supplies purchases such as rice, beans, and flour.
Complementing the financial assistance, the Park staff donated clothes, shoes, kitchen utensils, and other essential items. Altogether, these contributions will help improve the living conditions of 1,000 displaced women, especially elderly women, new mothers, and pregnant women.
We believe this moment of communion will bring hope and comfort to all the sisters, mothers, and grandmothers who live in precarious conditions in the aftermath of conflict and displacement. It is also a message of compassion from Virunga National Park: one that expresses solidarity with every family who calls the surrounding area of the Park their home.
Photo credit: Guerchom Ndebo
Photo credit: Guerchom Ndebo
Photo credit: Guerchom Ndebo
Photo credit: Guerchom Ndebo
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