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Please choose from the following bank account details:
Virunga Foundation Bank Details
KBC Bank N.V.
111 Old Broad Street
London, EC2N 1BR
United Kingdom
Please choose the account that matches your currency:
Did you know that you can make a bank transfer online through the Donorbox App here? It’s simple, just select the Direct Debit option and enter your bank details.
The Virunga Belgium Fund
The Virunga Belgium Fund benefits from the approval of the Ministry of Finance which allows a tax reduction to be granted to Belgian donors. To benefit from this tax exemption, payments must be made before December 31 of the current year to the account BE79 7360 3344 2533. Certificates are sent by post and / or electronically at the beginning of the following year.
Please notify donations@virunga.org when the bank transfer is done or fill in the form below. Please include your donation details, Virunga bank account and payment reference in your email so we can confirm receiving your gift and send a donation receipt.